Empire Avenue Strategies & Thoughts

mogul2I am a bit over 6 months into Empire Avenue(EAv); so I guess it is time to help folks understand what I am doing.  I was very fortunate to have excellent guidance that helped me focus on being successful with EAv.  The advice was simply to concentrate on building wealth.  Everything else will follow.  I have found that continues to be true.

I am not a Social Media or any other kind of rock star.  I joined Empire Avenue because I didn’t really know much about Social Media.  I started with dormant LinkedIn account and a few hundred friends on Facebook.  I really wanted to us EAv as a sandbox for learning and experimenting.  It has gone reasonably well.  My Klout score is 77.  My Kred is 762/8.  My PeerIndex is 66.  I have thousands of FB, G+, Twitter, LI, other connections.  I have an active blog presence on WordPress, Blogger, & Tumbler.  I am a TrustAnchor in TrustCloud and have a presence on a ton of Social Media platforms.

mogul1My Share Price exceeded 300 at about 6 months,  my Net Wealth is over 250M, and I receive over 1M  in Dividend Income each day.  My next goal is to produce Dividends over 2.00(e) per share. I am around 1.75(e) now.  I am invested in about 2,500 profiles and have about 2,000 shareholders.  My 5 scoring networks in EA are FB(84), EA(64), Tw(54), G+(53), WP(43).  That puts me in the top 100 EA players in all but Twitter.
I have not spent any cash to play EAv for anything.
A few folks have asked how did I get to this so quickly.  From my side, it felt like it took forever, but I can offer a few suggestions.  I completed a ton of missions.  That was my primary source of income for most of my time on EAv.  I also learned a lot and met a ton of great folks.  I did not create missions until a few months into EAv.  My first missions were occasional buy missions on days that I had trouble with being red.  I only did few buy me missions; because if you do them all the time; then folks wait to purchase your stock until your next mission.  I bought a ton of stock.  I divided my purchases in thirds.  I started with purchasing stocks that looked like me.  About the same share price, activity level, and preferably stock with a substantial Portfolio to Shareholder ratio.  That meant they were actively investing.  This often produced buy backs to support my share price.  Next I purchased Fresh Face stocks.  I selected attractive new stocks; then sold as they lost interest building capital rapidly. Buying & selling Newbies was my second largest source of wealth growth.  Finally I bought the “name brand” stocks.  The leader board folks with the insane dividends.  I invested slowly in these stocks.  I did not want to tie up too much of my capital until I could really afford it.
My summary for growing wealth is:
  • Invest aggressively for growth in the beginning.
  • Complete tons of missions.  Do them well and build a good reputation.
  • Shout always, often, and everywhere.  Thumbs up are good also.
  • Avoid creating missions unless you have a serious need.  Do them infrequently and not as a crutch.
  • Avoid buying the really expensive stocks.  Purchase enough for a reasonable buy back; since they will frequently max in you, but do not try to match.  The big players understand.  They know if you try to match with them, it will hurt your ability to play EAv.
  • As your income increases, focus on high dividend stocks to grow & stabilize your income.
  • Do your Pie upgrades early.  They hurt, but they are necessary for your growth.  Dessert is OK, but not a great value early in the game.
  • Do your Portfolio upgrades as necessary.  Be sure to clear your Portfolio of slider stocks  first to clear space. This is the one place where I think that spending cash might have been smarter.  Seems like a Portfolio upgrade costs one to two days of income to buy with eaves.
Each day I try to run 3 to 5 missions designed primarily to improve my EA activity scores. I budget about 200K for that.  I complete a fair number of missions from other folks.  That is becoming a less important source of income.
Each day I use Dr. Dittrich’s Inside EAv tool to buy 3 to 10 shares of my top 300 to 750 stocks spending 300K to 1M depending on eaves available.  This is helpful for my EAv activity and reminds folks about my investment in them.  I own more shares of all these stocks than they own of me.  I realize that my share price is higher (much higher in many cases) than most of my portfolio.  I understand that many will have difficulty matching my investment immediately.  I also know that I could be bought for 10.00(e) a few months ago.   I do want some sense of mutual effort toward investing back.
I also try to go through the list of folks who bought my shares each day.  I want to acknowledge the investment and to be sure that I appropriately reward that investment with a buy back.  If your price trends and dividends are attractive, you will find yourself nicely rewarded.  If you are struggling, I am likely to simply match.  There is no magic formula here.  My level of buy back is partly dependent on how many eaves I have and partly on my attitude toward life at that moment.
If you want to be bought; invest in me, shout at me, be active on the Avenue, have great dividends, and have positive share price graph.  If you have questions, ask.  If I somehow missed a buy back, let me know.  It was an oversight, and I am sorry.  I will fix it within a day if I know.
A couple of dark side items:mogul
  • I usually don’t check for mission thieves, but when I do…I report you, I block you, and I ask my friends to do the same.  Typically that will turn you red.  It is a bad value; so just don’t do it.
  • If you sell me, you are stupid.  I guess that is arrogant, but I have never had a red day and my dividends are rising; so why sell?  I usually don’t check or worry much about that either, but if I happen to catch such silly behavior, I use the same strategy as I do for the mission thieves…sell, block, & ask my friends to do the same.
  • If you don’t invest back in me, I consider you my savings account.  If you turn red, your dividends drop, you quit playing, or I am broke; you are at risk to be sold.

Let’s just be friends, treat each other with kindness, and have some fun on Empire Avenue!mogul3

Portfolio upgrades, Pie purchases, and life sometimes will override my strategy.  I view this as a statement of intent not a promise.
Best wishes and good luck on your quest down Empire Avenue.  Again if there is any way that I can help, please just ask.

59 thoughts on “Empire Avenue Strategies & Thoughts

  1. […] I am a bit over 6 months into Empire Avenue(EAv); so I guess it is time to help folks understand what I am doing. I was very fortunate to have excellent guidance that… Read More →  […]

  2. Visualriot says:

    Harold – Love this post – thank you

  3. Sensible strategy! I didn’t initially come to Empire Avenue to learn about social media as I’ve been active for a long time. Still, I’ve been happily surprised by how much it helps keep me up to the minute on trends. Members are early adopters and highly active on social media, so we’re often the first to learn about new sites, important articles, and effective techniques.

    My primary motivation for joining EA was the gamified approach to tracking social media activity. I’m fascinated by gamification and believe it is going to change the way we do business — I mean, why struggle through boring statistics when you can get a quick daily snapshot from your share/dividend price and from your individual platform scores? It challenges me to engage more on the platforms that I’m not as fond of, and, not surprisingly, I enjoy them more as I get more involved.

    • Well Lynn I am still a work in progress at many levels. Some of the stuff I tried just hurt. Some seems to work. I thought writing it down might help some with their own EAv strategy. I also wanted folks to have some idea about my investment strategy. I fear it may be a bit confusing to those on the receiving end.

  4. I’ve been looking for a guide like this – good stuff, Harold 🙂

  5. George J Lloyd says:

    Wow, 300 after 6 month! That’s a goal. I figured I’d be happy with +1 per day (+30 a month).. and I’m roughly there at the moment. But you are setting a new standard for me. I’m in for 2 months so I have 4 more months to go and would need +160. That’s 40 a month. Sounds bold doable…. and “The Sky’s the Limit”! 🙂

    Thanks for your insite and encouragement, Harold. You may not see yourself as a rock star, but you are a role model for at least one guy in Dubai 🙂

  6. […] I am a bit over 6 months into Empire Avenue(EAv); so I guess it is time to help folks understand what I am doing. I was very fortunate to have excellent guidance that… Read More →  […]

  7. eavdailytips says:

    Great Info Harold! See you around 🙂

  8. opajdara says:

    Great post, Harold! My strategy is quite similar to yours. EA is a great place to connect with great people. I’m glad we are connected! 🙂

    • Thanks Dubie. It has been terrific to meet so many folks with such diverse backgrounds. I have learned so much. I think in writing it down that I may have been trying to figure out myself a bit.

  9. michaelqtodd says:

    Love these thoughts Harold you are doing great

  10. […] I am a bit over 6 months into Empire Avenue(EAv); so I guess it is time to help folks understand what I am doing. I was very fortunate to have excellent guidance that… Read More →  […]

  11. Thanks Harold, fantastic post! I have a very similar philosophy on the wealth building aspect. In the early part of November I was mulling over what goals I should be going for in EA. Recalling the rule of 72 (a simplified way to determine how long an investment will take to double) I created a spreadsheet to track my progress as well as project where I intend to be in the future. I settled on a baseline of increasing my wealth at 1.5% per day. This would double wealth every 48 days as well as be a fairly simple calculation. With this in place it is easy to start the day on EA and get a feel for the missions needed to meet or exceed the 1,5% growth targets as well as track progress throughout the day.

    • I have to admit Jeff that I was a bit less organized then that. I have tried to balance the social aspects against the numbers. Personally I want to keep both in mind. The social piece can actually have a substantial impact on the numbers. If folks think you are a jerk, they won’t invest or be quick to sell. If folks believe that you are kind and helpful, they will overlook foibles like divs and price a bit.

  12. It’s always great to hear different strategies – but especially when they produce such incredible results! It sounds like you spent many hours reaching those lofty numbers in a mere 6 months!! Whew 😉 Congratulations and what a very fine example of what can be achieved!

    I did not come here so much to learn about social media, but I wanted to use EA as a measuring stick for what is effective and what isn’t — and then I found all these really great people! Thanks for the wonderful post, Harold

    • I really don’t want to consider how much time I have spent. EA has driven much of it, but I learned a ton about Social Media that has a real value outside EA.

      Thanks for your kind praise. It has been a fun ride, and I am grateful for all the kind assistance from everyone.

  13. Good post Harold, I think it took me 6 months to get my feet on the ground and figure out some of the things you did. After a year, I’m chasing you, LOL. I have learned so much about new social media and different strategies not mention the friends from all over the world, and you Harold a true Texan.

    • Thanks Michelle. I told someone the other day that I wasn’t that smart, but I was a really good sponge. I am decent at taking ideas & strategies, synthesizing them; then executing, evaluating, and adapting.

  14. Some very interesting insights, Harold! Thanks for sharing, I always enjoy your point of view.

    • I have learned a lot; much of it by error. I thought writing my ideas might help others to do well themselves. I also have had several questions about why did you, how did you, when did you kind of things. I thought this might explain my actions a bit; so I don’t impact any of my investments or shareholders negatively.

  15. Paula Henry says:

    You have really set the standard for newbies Harold – love you are giving back and sharing how you were successful in a relatively short time! Best!

    • Thanks for the kind words. It has been an interesting run. I have seen many strategies to play EA, but I think finding a bit of balance; while managing the relationships works best for the long run.

  16. Thanks for sharing! I have so much to learn and appreciate your insight.

  17. Thanks for sharing your tips Harold. Really useful insights! (ADEB)

  18. Some more helpful tips from someone who’s been playing Eav for 6 months! Thanks Harold, very informative!

  19. inamariacordova says:

    Wonderful information and very useful. Thank you Harold

  20. […] what Harold Gardner wrote in his article Empire Avenue Strategies & Thoughts. He did a great start with his ticker (e)GARDNER and is quite […]

  21. DES Daughter says:

    I really enjoyed reading your post because it sounds so genuine and personnal; so thank you for sharing your thoughts. Disregard the tips you received, what you managed to do on EA (share price, shareholders, portfolio, wealth, etc…) is absolutely phenomenal on such a record time. Because of this, I hope you won’t get ‘bored’ soon or later and still find interest in EA. Congrats Harold, awesome 🙂

  22. […] I am not a Social Media or any other kind of rock star. I joined Empire Avenue because I didn't really know much about Social Media. I started with dormant LinkedIn account and a few hundred friends on Facebook.  […]

  23. […] little in the first month, I feel that my current status is pretty satisfying. After having read Harold Gardner’s excellent article I set myself the goal to reach a share price of 300 after 6 month. A goal I considered to be very […]

  24. sojisan says:

    awesome tips Harold. i’ve been scouring the web for EA tips & strategies to help ‘improve’ my overall EA account. my growth has kinda stopped a bit. well, in terms of getting my ‘divs’ higher. i think your strategy/tips will be very helpful to many. (like myself.)

    alex (e)FR33CL

  25. Reblogged this on charlieslang and commented:
    Harold’s Guide For EAve Beginners

  26. Thanks for the large collection of tips on this post Harold, which you have organized into a guide of sorts. I found many tips helpful, and I’m going to shift my strategy a bit.
    Apparently the automated software buying tool is more important than I gave it credit. I didn’t want to get it because it required my EAve password, which I didn’t want to give. I don’t know if they use OAuth now.
    The other big tip is to sell the newbies after their share price goes down, I never sold them, though I suppose now I’ll have to monitor their price to see when they have hit their peak.
    You did a wonderful thing telling us what worked, if I could make a suggestion for a future post, could you tell us what didn’t work so well? Maybe we can avoid some pitfalls!
    Thanks again for this very helpful article which I have shared!

  27. JW Najarian says:

    Excellent post on EAv Harold….

    I rarely buy someone because they buy me. If they show up on my list to sell because they are costing me I dump them and only buy people that are growing and pay good dividends.

    I used to just buy friend and would match everyone that bought me. Now that EAv has missions I trade to win so that I can use missions to help my online efforts get more eyeballs and recognition.

    Missions are an amazing online tool that those of us with a lot of eaves can really use to our advantage for increasing our web presence.

    Thanks for this… I thought I was pretty good, but I learned a lot.

    ,i>JW Najarian (e)JWN

  28. Joan-FindingLeads4U says:

    Reblogged this on Joan Stewart –Finding Leads 4 U and commented:
    Empire Avenue, tips of the trading and growth from Harold Gardner.

  29. duanetilden says:

    Hi Harold,
    Very informative post about how to succeed on EA and “play” the game. I have applied many of the same strategies as you, although my focus has been on dividends first and wealth building second. I am astounded at how well you have done with your share price, which is high, but your activity and quality are evident.

    Keep up the great work, always a pleasure.

    • Thanks Duane. I appreciate your kind words. EA has been very educational. The funniest thing about my price is how little I worry or work on that. I will do things to avoid being ‘red,’ but other than that; I don’t care if I rise .1 or 1 or 10 (e) on a day. Just does not make much difference.

  30. […] I am a bit over 6 months into Empire Avenue(EAv); so I guess it is time to help folks understand what I am doing. I was very fortunate to have excellent guidance that helped me focus on being succ…  […]

  31. […] See on haroldgardner.wordpress.com […]

  32. […] I am not a Social Media or any other kind of rock star. I joined Empire Avenue because I didn't really know much about Social Media. I started with dormant LinkedIn account and a few hundred friends on Facebook.  […]

  33. Rahburt says:

    Great informative post.

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